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Volunteer in Our Children's Ministry

As a volunteer in our children's ministry at St. Thomas, you have the unique opportunity to make a lasting impact in the lives of the youngest members of our community in our Godly Play and Building Blocks of Faith classes. Together, we will create a safe, fun, and nurturing environment where children can learn about God's love and build a strong foundation in their faith journey.


In order to be eligible to work within our children's ministry at St. Thomas, the Diocese of Olympia requires that all volunteers working directly with children complete “Safeguarding God’s Children” training online and to undergo a standard background check. Please note that you do not have to have children or youth in our programs to be a part of this ministry!


Sunday Morning Helpers​


Storytellers in Godly Play and Building Blocks of Faith learn the story each week to share on Sunday mornings. During formation, the Storytellers focus on telling the story and leading the children in Wondering. They will assist children with their work and keep an eye on the service livestream to ensure that children are on time to return to church at the Peace. They will lead the children’s prayers and provide the blessing, then with Shepherds, walk children to the next destination—this may be either church or nursery.


Shepherds will work with Greeters in checking in the children and ensuring all are registered with parent information. During storytelling, Shepherds ensure distractions are minimized, gently refocusing children when needed. The Shepherds assist children with their work, clean up, prayers and blessing, then walk children to next destination. Note that youth are welcome as Jr. Shepherds and this ministry can count towards school service hours.


Greeters/Doorkeepers, along with Shepherds, will be outside the classrooms and help with check in-signing in, registering new children, giving name tags etc. You will help direct children to the appropriate classroom and invite them to join the circle. After storytelling begins, the Greeter will wait 5-10 minutes for any latecomers, then head over to church.


Cleaners will return to classrooms after church to tidy up and disinfect. This includes wiping down all tables and countertops, spraying soft surfaces with disinfectant, and sweeping up small floor messes. Cleaners will also inform the Sexton of any deeper cleaning needs (sand, glitter or playdough on the floor), and take Legos home monthly to deep clean in dishwasher (special washing bags are provided).


Other Helpers (Not Needed on Sundays) 


Art Docents will review weekly stories and suggest potential art projects (Godly Play) to Storytellers and Shepherds that may help children connect with the story. They will periodically check art shelves and restock from the formation office (located between classrooms) and make a list of any supplies that need to be purchased.


Administrators will receive new registrations and ensure that rosters of children, parents and volunteers are up to date and posted in the formation office, as well as ensuring information regarding any special needs (allergies, medicines, etc.) are available to all volunteers and posted in the formation office. You’ll upload stories (provided by clergy) to MSP quarterly and track youth service hours. The administrator will also schedule Children’s Formation Team meetings, prior to a change in the liturgical season and any trainings when needed.


To learn more, volunteer or share other ideas, please reach out to:


The Rev. Edmund Harris-

Trish Evison-
Margaret Chorlton-

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8398 NE 12th Street, Medina, Washington, 98039
(425) 454-9541 | Located just west of Downtown Bellevue

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