How do I leave a legacy gift to St. Thomas?
At St. Thomas, we recognize that all we have is a gift from God. Grateful for God’s abundance, we strive to share our gifts for God’s glory. Like the feeding of the 5,000, from only five loaves of bread and two fish that were shared, we know that when we share our gifts for the Kingdom of God, God does something infinitely more than we could ask or imagine.
By including St. Thomas in your estate plans you join the visionaries who went before, and whose generous legacies have made our community something infinitely more than what they could have imagined. Bequests made through the St. Thomas Legacy Society create an infrastructure of support that makes our ministries stronger, sustainable, and equipped to reach future generations. It may also provide you and your heirs significant savings on income, estate, and inheritance taxes. Your planned gift makes it possible for St. Thomas to dream big and act boldly from generation to generation.
Learn more about our Easter Resurrection Giving Campaign here.
Fill out our letter of intent to leave a legacy gift here.
Download the Legacy Society Brochure.
Read about how you can endow your pledge here.
Questions? Contact Legacy Society chairperson Fred McConkey. Thanks in advance for your commitment and generosity!