The Quest
The Quest, St. Thomas’ Confirmation preparation class for youth, takes place on the second and fourth Sundays of the month from September-June. The Quest is for any youth aged 13-18 discerning whether or not to be confirmed in the Episcopal Church. Youth who wish to be confirmed must take part in the class, however, youth who take part are not obligated to be confirmed. Our hope is that no matter what each participants chooses to do, the class will provide them with a safe, authentic space in which to explore faith.

The Quest Calendar & Topics
September 22 – Sessions 1: Introductions: Who is God to you?
October 13 – Sessions 2: Baptism & Confirmation
October 27 – Session 3: The Bible
November 10 – Session 4: Prayer
November 24 – Session 5: Eucharist & Worship
December 8 – Session 5: Belief & the Creeds
December 22 – Session 6: Knowing Our Story (History of the Church)
January 12 – Session 7: The Saints
January 26 – Session 8: The Episcopal Tradition: Scripture, Tradition & Reason
February 9 – Session 9: A Global Family of Christians: The Anglican Communion
February 23 – Session 10: Theology (Who do we say God is?)
March 9 – Session 11: Ethics & Morality (As Christians, how do we live in the world?)
March 23 – Session 12: Social Justice (How do we make the world look more like Jesus said it should?)
April 6 – Session 13: Other Faith Traditions (Reflect on visits to different houses of worship)
May 11 – Session 14: Calling, Vocation & Discipleship in the World
May 25 – Session 15: Sharing of Capstone Projects
June 8 – Session 16: Sharing of Capstone Projects and Wrap Up
Class Attendance. Participants are expected to attend confirmation preparation classes on a regular basis. Absences should be communicated to the co-teachers ahead of time.
Church Attendance. Participants are expected to attend at church on Sundays when there is Confirmation class. They may sit together, with their sponsors, or families.
Confirmation Sponsors. In the fall, each participant will be assigned a sponsor who is a member of St. Thomas Church. This person should be someone with a lively, authentic faith themselves, and will serve as mentor and be available to support participants throughout the year and beyond.
Sharing of Faith Stories. At the beginning of each session, each participant (adults included) will be invited to give a brief (10 mins or less) autobiography that shares about who they are and how they have experienced God in their lives. Participants will be able to sign up for these during the first few sessions.
Service Project. In the late winter, participants will engage in a social justice-oriented service project together and take time to engage in theological reflection about the experience. The exact project is TBT.
Interfaith Experience. In the spring, participants will be invited to visit interfaith houses of worship (a synagogue, mosque, Buddhist temple etc.) and to share with the group their experiences of a faith community outside of their own.
Capstone project. Participants will complete a “capstone project,” using social media to share an aspect of faith (such as a podcast or reel). With permission, these will be shared via the St. Thomas social media accounts.
Summer Pilgrimage. In the summer, as the culmination of the program, participants will take part in a pilgrimage, likely a sailing adventure on Puget Sound. More details will be shared in the fall.