Give to St. Thomas

Make Your 2025 Pledge!
As part of our Forward in Faith Campaign, you can make your pledge today for our 2025 annual budget and your pledge to our Rector Housing Fund. Thank you to everyone who has already pledged!
Making a Pledge
If you have not already done so, please send your pledge commitments for the 2025 annual operating fund and/or the Rector Housing Fund to Jean Waite at the church using pledge cards provided. You can find pledge cards in the Sanctuary and in the Ebsworth Life Center, or you can call the office for assistance. You can also make a pledge by providing all the information in an email to
Pledge commitments cannot be made in our online payment portal at this time: they must be received as a physical pledge card, or in an email message to Jean.
Fulfilling Your Pledge
To fulfill your pledge commitment, payments can be made online by using St. Thomas Connect or clicking on the button below.
Please be sure to select the appropriate 'drop down' category "2025 Pledges" to fulfill your pledge for the annual operating fund; or "2024 Rector Housing Fund", "2025 Rector Housing Fund", etc., to fulfill your pledge for the Rector Housing Fund. You can specify how payments through St. Thomas Connect occur – either as a one-time payment or automated to occur at whatever interval you specify.
​We are also pleased to accept stock gifts and/or wire transfers in fulfillment of your pledges, or donations from a Donor Advised Fund. Please contact Jean Waite or Anne Bentley for specific instructions and account details for any of these options at or .
Matching Gift Programs
Some corporations offer matching gift programs to match funds donated to programs supporting the broader community, and we would be pleased to accept matched gifts to the St. Thomas Legacy Foundation that meet the corporate program guidelines (for example, to Outreach or the Music Guild). Please contact Jean Waite or Anne Bentley if you have questions on matching, and so that we can appropriately attribute donations and any matching funds received for the St. Thomas Legacy Foundation.​​
Why Forward in Faith?
In this time of rapid change, our annual stewardship season has an added focus this year. We’re asking everyone who loves St. Thomas to prayerfully consider their role in keeping our parish strong by pledging financial support to both the annual budget and the Rector Housing Fund. This new housing fund is dedicated to helping our current and future rectors find an affordable place to live on the Eastside.
Both efforts are pro-active steps that will keep us moving toward eliminating any annual deficit while enabling the support that sustainable housing brings to our top-notch clergy. The path forward requires diligence as we manage our financial resources. It also requires a vision to look beyond our own needs toward the importance of our faith community and the difference it makes in the lives of so many. The seven-decade legacy of St. Thomas is strong, and we have the power to decide the future as the Spirit guides us Forward in Faith.
To learn more about Forward in Faith, click here.