Worship at St. Thomas

Worship is at the heart of who we are and what we do at St. Thomas Episcopal Church. We worship to give God thanks and praise for everything in our lives. We worship in times of joy and sorrow because we believe God is in the midst of everything. We worship with our questions and doubts because we find our lives are transformed when we open ourselves to each other and to God’s love and grace. We worship together, both virtually and in-person in our buildings in Medina, Washington, because the Christian life is meant to be lived in community.
Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is at the center of our worship. Communion is a simple meal in which we encounter and receive God’s grace in the ordinary things of bread and wine. The table where we share Communion is Jesus’ table. All are welcome!
Worship at St. Thomas is liturgical, which means it follows particular patterns. It is grounded in ancient tradition and expressed in a contemporary context. Our liturgy is creative and life-giving, seeking always to equip us for renewed and joyful living.
Don’t worry if you have never experienced liturgical worship. Our worship bulletin provides all the information you need to fully and comfortably participate!


Our worship services include music, readings from the Bible, prayers that we say together as a community, a short sermon in which we connect the readings from the Bible to our daily lives, and sharing in the Eucharist as a sacramental meal.
Beautiful, rich, and varied music is a vital part of worship at St Thomas, helping us to pray and praise and deepen our experience of God. While much of our music is traditional and sacred choral music, you will also hear jazz, folk, contemporary, and experimental music