Welcome to St. Thomas!
Seek. Serve. Grow.
We are a community seeking God’s presence in every part of our lives. We come together to experience God’s presence in worship. We share our lives with one another in authentic community. We are sent out to serve our friends, our neighbors, and the world because God has first served us. While our church is located in Medina (West Bellevue), people living all over the greater Seattle area call our church home.
Join us for Christmas at St. Thomas Church! Our 4pm service service is our Family Service which includes the Christmas Pageant and Holy Eucharist. Walk on animals, shepherds, and angels are welcome in the Pageant! Our 8pm service is our festal, candlelight service with gorgeous Christmas choral music by the St. Thomas Choir and brass. Note: incense will be used at this service. Our Christmas celebration continues on Christmas morning with a celebration of the Eucharist at 10am. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, there is room for you and those you love at St. Thomas this Christmas. We look forward to seeing you!
As part of our Forward in Faith Campaign, you can make your pledge today for our 2025 annual budget and your pledge to our Rector Housing Fund by clicking on the button above. You can learn more here!